Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) , included in the UK Data Protection Act of 2018, groups and organisations are required to provide information about the data they collect, process and store about individuals. The purpose of this document is to outline the personal information used by the Bolton Anaesthetic Group, about its patients, for the purpose of invoicing insurance companies and hospitals for anaesthetic services.
For the remainder of this document the Bolton Anaesthetic Group will be referred to as 'The Group'
The group consists of twelve doctors providing anaesthetic services to various private hospitals in Lancashire and Greater Manchester, including: Beaumont Hospital, Highfield Hospital, Euxton Hall Hospital and Spire Manchester Hospital. All members of the group have contracts as Consultant Anaesthetists with the local NHS hospitals.
The members of the group are:
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The information we process is provided to us by the individual doctors, the hospitals and occasionally by health insurance companies. It is used for the purposes of generating invoices for health insurance companies and checking remittances from hospitals and insurance companies. Data is stored on a computer, which is password protected, and is encrypted using another complex password. Data is stored for the above purpose alone. Information may be shared with hospitals or health insurance companies for the sole purpose of billing. Information is not shared with any other third party. Individuals cannot request that personal information is removed as it required for the purpose of billing for medical treatment. When the information is no longer required personal information will be erased.
This policy was created by Dr A Putland on 02 October 2021 and is copyright of the Bolton Anaesthetic Group.